the rebel cell known as Phoenix Squadron was tasked with escorting Mothma to a secure location. After a brief skirmish with Imperial forces attempting to capture Mothma in the Archeon Nebula, the ...
Messier 16, also known as the NGC 6611, and is known by the popular name of “The Eagle Nebula". M16 is a large diffuse emission nebula associated with a star cluster located about 5700 light ...
The Orion Nebula, 1,344 light-years away, shines in vibrant colors and serves as a stellar nursery for new stars. The Helix Nebula, 650 light-years away, resembles a cosmic eye formed by a dying ...
I Tested the Dwarf 3, a perfect tool for astrophotography beginners with loads of features for more experienced stargazers.
The cloud has a dark nebula which is centered 1° south of the star ρ Ophiuchi. NGC 346: It is a star cluster and nebula located in the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). This region is recognized as ...
Located 15,000 light-years away in the Sagitta constellation, the Necklace Nebula glows like a radiant cosmic jewel. This star cluster in the Small Magellanic Cloud displays plumes of gas and ...
The Veil Nebula is roughly 2,400 light-years away in the constellation Cygnus. It is the remnants of a star that was roughly 20 times as big as our sun and exploded about 10,000 years ago.
A stunning Valentine's view of a nebula contains hidden depths of starbirth and the violent deaths of massive stars. Freelance writer Amanda C. Kooser covers gadgets and tech news with a twist for ...
The Eagle Nebula (M16) is a star-forming region in the Milky Way galaxy. It's home to the famous "Pillars of Creation" and is located in the constellation Serpens. The Eagle Nebula is a giant ...
And baby bald eagle makes three. Internet faves Jackie and Shadow, a pair of bald eagles whose nest in Southern California can be watched via webcam, have welcomed the third eaglet of their brood.
Southern California’s favorite celebrity bald eagle couple, Jackie and Shadow, are close to welcoming their third and final eaglet. A live camera feed from Friends of Big Bear Valley (FBBV ...