What makes a good self-help book? The excellent book mentioned here is Philippa Perry’s The Book You Want Everyone You Love to Read. Rebecca Watson’s column also contains mention of Cate Blanchett’s ...
Announcing the 18th annual April Poem-A-Day Challenge on Writer's Digest. Here are the guidelines for this fun annual poeming ...
The keyboardist for Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers has finally released his second album, which deals with getting married, Petty's death and more.
Manus discusses a variety of perspectives in extreme detail and depth. Everything from multi-stakeholder views and global ...
Huzzah! Hurray! Yippee! The Weekender is here so only a few more days of Working For A Living (Thank Huey Lewis) before you ...
For leaders who built empires throughout history, The Aeneid has been a blueprint for how to take over land that belongs to ...
A 40-minute documentary titled “To Have a Name Worth Owning” will premiere at the Aiken Center for the Arts this coming Tuesday, March 11, at 6 p.m.
In a look ahead at a week of Cambridge and Somerville events, there’s a free pi day pie potluck, comedy against cancer, Mobius performance art called “Slay,” Ukrainian folk-rock, a St. Patrick’s fun ...
Less positive inspiration and more existential crises – which is very Manics - is the chiming Out Of Time Revival, which marries the ebullient – musically, at least – and the rueful beautifully. A ...
The grandest spectacle of all came from a humble Montana town, where a movie theater offered free admission, or a princely ten cents, to any child who surrendered a catalog for the communal inferno.