Attack on village of Kyauk Ni Maw, in Ramree island township, kills more than 40 people and destroys about 500 homes. A man stands near a burning house at the site of an attack carried out by ...
The Burmese Women’s Union said the number of confirmed female deaths will be an underestimate of the actual number of victims ...
An airstrike by Myanmar’s army on a village under the control of an armed ethnic minority group has killed about 40 people and injured at least 20 others, officials of the group and a local charity ...
Arakan Army reports Saturday’s bombing of detention center in Mrauk-U, Rakhine State killed 19 women and nine children.
The recent airstrike on Kyauk Ni Maw village in Rakhine state and bombings in Kyauktaw and Ponnagyun, further underscore the military’s ongoing campaign of violence, pushing peace even further ...
The recent airstrike on Kyauk Ni Maw village in Rakhine state and bombings in Kyauktaw and Ponnagyun, further underscore the military’s ongoing campaign of violence, pushing peace even further ...
This handout photo provided by the Arakan Army shows people looking at flames rising after an airstrike by the ruling military in Kyauk Ni Maw village, in Ramree township, also pronounced Yanbye ...
The attack, which targeted Kyauk Ni Maw village on Ramree Island, also sparked a fire that destroyed more than 500 homes, leaving residents in dire need of aid. The bombardment occurred in an area ...
AA spokesperson Khaing Thu Kha told AFP a military jet bombed Kyauk Ni Maw, on Ramree island, around 1.20 pm (2.50pm, Singapore time) on Wednesday, starting a fire which engulfed more than 500 houses.
The attack reportedly occurred in the Kyauk Ni Maw village on Ramree Island, a township currently held by the Arakan Army in western Rakhine state, on Wednesday. The bombing caused a huge fire in ...