You were the best dancer Prince ever had. Man, she had energy! And I always loved her rapping. "The whole problem with the world is that fools and fanatics are always so certain of themselves. And ...
So, i'm going to state an unpopular opinion....could it not be that Londell and Charles are working sincerely to limit damage to Prince's reputation. Sure, they may be as motivated by securing future ...
Just a heads up, in case anyone in Europe still planning to buy the D&P SDE vinyl box set: is currently selling it for €165 which is roughly half of the original price, and certainly the ...
maybe that Space demo was Face 2 Face? Interesting, according to PrinceVault the songs opening line was reused in Space: "I’ve never been one 2 hide my feelings / baby u blow my mind". Also it was ...
Manifesting as an ‘MTV Ready’ generational icon, before MTV was even a thing; his name was Prince, aka ‘The Purple Yoda from the heart of Minnesota.' Unlike anyone else before or since, Prince defied ...
Even his documentaries for MJ didn't focus on the music. Bad 25 should have mostly been about MJ's work with John Barnes, Matt Forger and Bill Bottrell. Instead, the talking heads kept banging of ...
I don't understand your question? What was Prince pretending didn't happen? Also, keep in mind he only got to write a draft of the first few chapters before he passed. He obviously planned to write a ...
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Sir Elton John is facing an investigation from child porn police after a photo he donated to an art exhibition was seized by cops. Art gallery bosses at The Baltic Centre For Contemporary Art in ...