Decorate the harvest table this season with a runner, placemats, or napkins made using natural dyes extracted from goldenrods, walnuts, and indigo. Diane Keesee discusses the historic uses of dyes and ...
From spectacular seed heads to excellent exfoliating bark characteristics, Duncan Himmelman shares plants that continue the garden highlights through the late fall and into the winter. Be inspired to ...
Learn the medicinal uses of garden plants, and how they can be part of a more responsible approach to harvesting medicinal plants in the wild. Rachelan Griffin discusses endangered native medicinal ...
Celebrate native plants through a hands-on, ethnobotanical, foraging, and artistic experience. After a hayride through our natural lands, learn about the relationships Indigenous communities have with ...
Large-scale, long distance bird migration has fascinated people for centuries. Joe Sebastiani, Delaware Nature Society and expert birder, presents research findings on the origins of and the triggers ...
See Mt. Cuba Center in a new light – no light, that is! Embark on a guided Night Hike to experience the stars and sounds of our natural lands after dark. Listen as the night comes alive with the ...
The genus Vernonia, commonly known as ironweed, is an often-overlooked aster relative that has tremendous horticultural potential. Vernonia ranges from compact and tidy plants to towering behemoths ...
Enjoy a stroll through the trial gardens of Mt. Cuba with a signature cocktail in hand and manager of horticultural research, Sam Hoadley, by your side. Sam will explain the assessment process that ...
Allow the vibrancy and charisma of the monarch to inspire your time painting and collaging a work of art with artist, Monica Lopez. Learn paintbrush usage, color mixing, and color application on ...
This prestigious event showcases exceptional works on paper from artists worldwide. The exhibition will feature a diverse range of styles and techniques, judged by renowned artists Christopher Leeper ...
Join us for an electrifying evening in the vibrant world of Bollywood, where we’ll celebrate the magic of Indian cinema! 🎬 Film Screening: Get ready to sway, laugh, and shed a tear as we showcase a ...