If you are in a find for fun virus computer facts, then you landed on the correct place. Just a few ..
Last week we kicked off our Linux Hands-On series to create a structured series that informs and educates the reader about what Linux is, how it works, and at the same time, making sure they get their ...
After smartphones arrived, the overall percentage of people using a webcam reduced by 20%. Well, it’s just in theory (considering some information databases) but in reality, things would be a bit ...
Windows Fast Startup (or Fast Boot on Windows 8) is a feature in the Windows operating system that speeds up the shutdown-reboot process by saving a part of the system state when you shut it down.
As technology advances every day, it decreases our dependency on manual, analog systems. But as we gradually transition towards a fully automated, AI-centric world where every time is available to us ...
Prior to discussing the history of Windows, here is a brief introduction to how Microsoft began. Bill Gates and Paul Allen were childhood friends at Lakeside School, Seattle, and both Basic ...
Hello and welcome to TechLila, the famous technology blog where you can find resourceful articles for mastering the basics and beyond. At TechLila, our main goal is to provide unique information, such ...
Everyone wants to optimize laptops for high speed. Are there any objections? Most probably, we expect nothing on this because personal computers are meant to be less time-consuming so that we can do ...
In the 21st century, it can be witnessed that each individual is always in a hurry. In every individual’s life, there are a number of tasks that need to be fulfilled and that is exactly why the swift ...
Windows bootloader problem is one problem that every one of us has faced once till now. Knowing how to repair this problem is not very hard and even does not require any additional skills. In this ...