It is not recorded that the Pope ever asked: "How many divisions has Joseph Stalin?" He knows that Moscow threatens the world not only with its armies but with its perverted faith.
The Peruvian Episcopal Conference announced that on Sept. 25 Pope Francis ordered the Sodality of Christian Life to expel 10 ...
The Archdiocese of Denver, in a statement, said it was “shocked and saddened by the news of expulsions,” which it attributed ...
Pope Francis on Sept. 28 slammed the "arrogant indifference" of powerful leaders who put financial interests over efforts to ...
Despite the country's diminutive dimensions, the country welcomes a whopping two million visitors per year - close to 20 times the population.
The Catholic Louvain University, the Francophone campus of Belgium’s storied Catholic university, issued a scathing statement ...
Albania has announced plans to establish the 'Sovereign State of the Bektashi Order', which would become the world’s smallest ...
Pope Francis on Sept. 27 kicked off a three-day trip to Belgium by asking forgiveness for the church's shameful record on ...
Trying to punish journalists, especially the outspoken subset we call “pundits,” almost always backfires, turning them into ...
The Pope spent a moment in silent prayer before the tomb of King Baudouin before lauding his witness to the protection of ...
The good news that Jesus brought to the world must once again be proclaimed to all and allowed to shine forth in all its ...
Pope Francis promised Saturday to “offer all the help we can” to aid clergy sexual abuse victims, after a group of Belgian<a ...