On Saturday, Pope Francis acknowledged that the abuse scandal had created "atrocious suffering and wounds," and undermined ...
The Catholic Church's failures in responding to sexual abuse by clergy have been in focus again during Pope Francis' visit ...
The Pope spent a moment in silent prayer before the tomb of King Baudouin before lauding his witness to the protection of ...
The good news that Jesus brought to the world must once again be proclaimed to all and allowed to shine forth in all its ...
Pope Francis has promised to “offer all the help we can” to aid victims of clergy sexual abuse heal after victims told him ...
Pope Francis was pressed firmly by Belgium's king and premier on Friday for more concrete action to address sexual abuse by ...
The Catholic Louvain University, the Francophone campus of Belgium’s storied Catholic university, issued a scathing statement ...
Mattingly: It was the kind of quote that, when said by the right person under the right conditions, would inspire bold ...
Pope Francis on Sept. 28 slammed the "arrogant indifference" of powerful leaders who put financial interests over efforts to ...
Pope Francis was challenged by Belgian students yesterday about women’s place in the Catholic Church, after paying tribute to ...
Francis has faced criticism during events throughout his trip to Belgium. The country's king and prime minister called on the ...
Pope Francis sought to encourage and reinvigorate the Catholic Church in Belgium, which has been disheartened by the abuse ...