Hospitals in areas with the most people out of work because of ill health will be prioritised for expanding the high intensity theatre (HIT) model to reduce waiting lists for surgery, the government ...
Waters reports that the planned expansion of medical training places risks causing the medical education system to collapse.1 As specialty training competitions ratios continue climbing,2 I find ...
More teenagers are showing signs of “problematic” social media use since the covid pandemic, raising “significant” concerns about long term health outcomes, says the World Health Organization (WHO).
Campaigners say that coroners’ reports on preventing future deaths represent a missed opportunity to improve patient safety. But there are signs that systemic issues are gaining recognition, reports ...
In his recent report on the NHS, Ara Darzi said that adult social care was outside his formal remit except “to the extent that it impacts on the NHS,” adding that it was “impossible to understand what ...
The United Nations 2024 Political Declaration of the High-level Meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance needs bold targets, clear indicators, and strengthened country capacities to make progress, write ...
The Canadian Medical Association (CMA) has made a formal apology to Canada’s First Nations peoples for the role physicians played in a history marked by discrimination, substandard care, medical ...
Pregnancy surrogates seem to have a higher risk of developing complications such as postpartum haemorrhage and severe pre-eclampsia and are more likely to give birth prematurely, research from Canada ...
If public health prevention and medical interventions are two edges of the health triangle, then host resilience is the often overlooked third edge. While your recent editorial on the rise in deaths ...
In a survey reported in June, the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) asked for its members’ views on physician associates (PAs) in general practice.1 In the light of the responses the ...
The killings by Valdo Calocane have shaken our society. Unfortunately, the reviews by Nottinghamshire Police and the Care Quality Commission fail to tackle the root causes of the rare, but devastating ...
A focus on rights can help improve children’s oral health globally Oral diseases are a leading contributor to the overall burden of non-communicable diseases, reflecting a global crisis in oral health ...