Puspakom’s investigation into the viral slap incident has determined that the suspect was a customer whose vehicle had failed ...
除了诺奥玛,另外4名新任最高理事分别是,揽州议员哈里森(Harrison Hassan,瓜拉雪兰莪区部)、前柏淡州议员卡立末达(Khaliq Mehtab Mohd Ishaq,甲抛峇底区部)、前国会上议院主席莱士雅丁主席的儿子丹尼莱斯(Dani ...
东盟外长对加沙最新停火计划和释放战俘协议,表示欢迎。 外交部长莫哈末哈山说,他们今天在浮罗交怡召开东盟外长非正式会议上,表达上述一致立场。 他今日主持东盟外长非正式会议后在记者会说,停火计划为缓和紧张局势和优先保护无辜生命提供机会。
“Dia orang bilang kami ini tiada nama. Kecil-kecil saja berbanding dia orang. "Tidak apalah, yang penting kami tiada video.
Suhakam wants the public to send in complaints if they are subjected to random phone checks by the police as they are only ...
虽然怡保市政厅声称接获建议,而将探讨扩大禁酒令至其它穆斯林为主的地区,惟掌管地方政府事务的霹雳行政议员黄诗情表示,州行政议会尚未讨论此事。 她受《当今大马》询及时澄清,怡保市长鲁迈兹 (Rumaizi ...
In a statement, Kemaman Bersatu Youth chief Aziman Hadi Nazri said what happened to the victim was inhumane and against ...
“Ia tidak dibawa ke perhatian kabinet negeri sebelum ini, dan oleh itu, tiada perbincangan mengenai perkara itu setakat ini," ...
Speaking at a ceramah in Kudat last Thursday, Ronald mocked opponents over video clips allegedly showing individuals ...
The Perak state executive council has not discussed Ipoh City Council’s proposal to expand alcoholic beverage sales ...
Menteri Dalam Negeri berkata hampir setiap hari bot yang membawa pelarian Rohingya cuba menceroboh perairan Malaysia.
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